Becoming an accomplished chicken farmer and successfully raising roosters, hens and chicks is no small feat. You might feel that you’ve outgrown your old chicken coop plans and are ready for your next challenge. Purchasing an exotic chicken breed of chicken for your chicken run is a natural next step. Before you invest in one, make sure you know what you’re getting into.

Extremely Rare Chicken Breeds and Kids Chicken CoopsBefore you commit to Extremely Rare Chicken Breeds

Some rare chicken breeds are chosen for their unusual looks, or distinctive looking and tasting eggs and meat. Some even have all these features! Before raising and selling them, ask yourself why you want one. Many rare birds lay less eggs than standard hens and have unique temperaments that require special care. Knowing the amount of time, money and energy you’re willing to put into having these rare chicken breeds is essential.

You will need to consider your desired breed from a reputable farmer or breeder who can guarantee you a disease-free bird from a known bloodline.

Here are our top choices for Extremely Rare Chicken Breeds:  

  • Araucana Chickens – for unusual eggs

This rare Chilean bird is a great ‘starter’ bird as it integrates well with other breeds, as well as children and small dogs. Araucana chickens are only found at breeders and not standard hatcheries. They range in colour from gold to silver and black and white, and they lay green and blue-tinted eggs.

  • Sebright Chickens – for unusual looks

The Sebright chicken is an unusual looking chicken and it looks like an exotic bird with its patterned plumage and petite features. If you want a bird that packs a visual punch, this one’s for you. Be warned that Sebright chickens rarely lay eggs and can be temperamental. You’ll need to keep them in an enclosed chicken run to prevent them from flying off.

  • Dark Dorking Chickens – for unusual taste

The Dark Dorking chicken originated from the Roman Empire and is prized due to its white and distinctive-tasting meat. It’s a calm breed, and as it enjoys foraging and can live to be up to seven years old. But you’ll need considerable space should you wish to raise one. The Dark Dorking chicken can take up to two years to reach an optimum size, making this a time intensive bird breed to raise.

If you need more information about exotic chicken breeds, or want to find out how you can introduce some into your chicken run, contact us today!

Chicken Coops, Chicken Breeds, Chickens