Top 5 Gentle Chicken Breeds

Gentle Chicken BreedsIf you are new to raising chickens, the thought of interacting closely with them can sometimes seem a little intimidating. Therefore looking for gentle chicken breeds is perfectly natural, especially if children will also be involved in their day-to-day care.

But with so many different chicken breeds to choose from, how do you know which of them could be considered gentle chicken breeds? To help you make the right choice, that’s just what we are going to take a closer look at here.

The top 5 Gentle Chicken Breeds are Orpington, Australorp, Easter Eggar, Plymouth Rock and Wyandotte.

Highest Egg Laying Chicken Breeds

Buff Orpington Chickens

The Orpington – also known as the Buff Orpington. They are arguably the breed that new chicken caretakers should start with if they are looking for gentle chicken breeds.

They are a great gentle chicken choice for a lot of reasons. Orpington’s are a sizable chicken that may be raised for both meat and eggs. Its name, buff, alludes to the hue of its feathers, and they are attractive and even rather cute.

Australorp Chickens

The Australorp originated in Australia and was carefully bred from Black Orpingtons that were first brought to Australia from England. But now the Australorp is acknowledged as a distinct breed.

The Australorp is quite outgoing, just like her Orpington cousin, but also gentle and friendly. That gentle nature also extends to any flock mates. She has the self-confidence to command a flock without micromanaging her flock mates or bullying them, which can occur with some other chicken breeds. The Australorp produces a lot of consistent, big brown eggs and will usually continue to lay even in colder weather.

Easter Egg Chicken

If you are looking for a gentle chicken breed that will also fascinate your kids while being calm and friendly enough for them to handle. Then the Easter Egger chicken is a great choice for you chicken coop.

The Easter Egger is a hybrid and not a real breed. Youngsters love them because they can produce eggs that are green, blue, pink, white, brown, or slightly colored! While no hen lays a rainbow, each does have a distinctive egg color that will delight everyone the moment she starts to lay.

Despite being a little smaller than the other birds above, the Easter Egger produces extra-large eggs. They are also very gentle and sweet. She is a hybrid, so each of her Easter Egger pals will have a distinctive hue of feather, making it simple for the kids to distinguish between them.

Plymouth Rock Chicken

If you are interested in a gentle chicken to be raised for meat, one of the many varieties of Plymouth Rock chicken may be the best choice for you. They are usually calm and gentle but not that interested in humans, which can make it easier to part with them when the time comes.

The Plymouth Rock, can also be raised for eggs, and will provide somewhere between 200 and 250 of them on a year round basis.

Wyandotte Chicken

Another concern for would be backyard chicken owners who live in more urban areas is choosing a gentle chicken breed that won’t fly away! As the larger Wyandotte is a terrible flier, while also being a reasonably prolific egg layer. This makes them a great choice in this scenario as a gentle chicken breed. The fact that they are also very attractive and friendly chickens. They can tolerate colder temperatures well are all pluses too.

Gentle Chicken Breeds