You’ve done your research and decided to raise chickens in your backyard. You know you’ll need a chicken run and henhouse, but what’s the best place for a chicken coop? What shape and size should it be, where to place a chicken coop and what else do you need to think about before starting? Here are the factors worth considering when deciding where to place a chicken coop.

where to place a chicken coop with a white chicken

Factor #1 – What kind of chickens?

If you plan on having laying hens, you’ll need a hen house, Chicken Coop. A hen house must have enough space for them to roost at night, with one box for every 4/5 hens to lay their eggs.

If your chickens will be unclipped, ensure your coop is enclosed at the top with wire so they can’t fly away. If you’ll be housing your rooster in the same house, make sure he was a perch that is high and can support his weight.

Factor #2 – How many chickens?

The second thing you should consider is how many chickens you’ll be raising – depending on the space available to you. It’s critical that you give each chicken the space they need. Did you know that overcrowding can impact their health and wellbeing? The minimum amount of space in a hen house must be at least 2 square feet per bird, and in a run at least 4 square feet per bird. The more space, the better for chickens.

Factor 3 # – Are there safety concerns?

If you have pets or are concerned about where to place a chicken coop and neighboring pets getting access to your birds, a strong and secure coop is essential. Put netting in place to secure the top and wiring buried at least 12 inches deep into the ground. You will also need to secure the ground floor with wire to deter rodents or foxes from burrowing in.

Where to place a Chicken Coop
where to place a new chicken coop,Chicken Coops, Chicken Breeds
where to place a new chicken coop

Factor #4 – Are there weather concerns?

Most birds can tolerate any weather condition. But you must provided you have a secure hen house that can be warmed in winter, or act as a cool retreat in summer. It’s important to balance ventilation with draft areas as chickens cannot tolerate the latter.

Apart from the above four factors, it would be wise to take into consideration how easily you can access the chicken coop. Also if it will be easy and convenient to clean it as well as if you’ll be able to expand it in the future.

Where to place a chicken coop – Important information to keep in mind

  • Space for them to roost at night

  • One box for every 4/5 hens to lay their eggs

  • 2 square feet per bird

  • In a run at least 4 square feet per bird

Where to place a Chicken Coop