The Best Chicken Coops for Kids and roosters

Raising Chickens is something that more and more grownups are getting into, but kids can really end up getting hooked on caring for the feathered beauties as well, which is far from a bad thing. Dragging kids away from video games and Netflix is no easy task. What does the trick is actually an educational experience that gets them off the sofa and into the garden it’s something of a miracle. Let’s see if we can help you find The Best Chicken Coops for Kids.

Children & Chooks – A Great Combination

To get the most out of helping to keep chickens most kids want to be really involved and it’s a great idea to let them do so. Helping pick out the birds themselves is a biggie. Before the family even does that they need to plan just where the new additions are going to live by choosing the right chicken coop for the backyard and the right type of chickens.

Shopping for the Best Chicken Coops for Kids

As it will be a place they spend a great deal of their time choosing the right chicken coop to house your new flock is not something to be taken lightly. From a grownup’s point of view, there are things to consider like proper sizing. Chickens need room to roam, and not just in the garden – decent pricing and aesthetics. No one wants a chicken coop that visually sticks out like a sore thumb.

If kids are going to become the chickens’ keepers too there are additional considerations to keep in mind though. Ideally, very small children should be supervised at all times when interacting with the chickens. Children who are above the age of seven or so, will love being able to help take care of the birds in a more hands-on way. Choosing the best chicken coops for kids will allow them to do that without putting the birds – or themselves – into harm’s way.

Here’s some of the most important things to keep in mind when you are shopping for just the right chicken coop for your new feathered family members that will fit your lifestyle as well.  

Easy Access to Eggs

The Best Chicken Coops for Kids have and easy Access to Eggs. One of the aspects of chickening that appeals to kids the most is getting to collect the eggs. To make this easier for smaller hands consider looking for a coop that offers outside access to the prize. Children can then collect eggs without having to open up the coop itself.  

Some chicken coops have this feature built-in especially for this purpose, while others may offer a tube and tray system as an additional add-on. 

The Best Chicken Coops for Kids for easy egg collection

A Secure Enclosure Chicken Coop

Smaller children may be a little too tempted to get one of their new friends out ‘to play when the grownups are distracted. And although they really can’t fly chickens can be a tricky to round up when let out unexpectedly. They can also be quite the struggling, flapping handful for a child to have to deal with alone.

To prevent all of this and ensure you get the best Chicken Coop for kids you should choose has a childproof entry system. The best of these are relatively easy for adults – and trusted older children.  But a challenge for the little ones, helping to protect them and the chickens too.  

Built-in Clean Up Station

Even healthy, free-range chickens can carry parasites and bacteria. So when handled by children they should become accustomed to following some basic hygiene procedures to prevent them from getting sick.

Hand-washing immediately after handling their chickens is something that kids should be taught is essential. But kids are kids and there is always a good chance they’ll forget to do so before they get back to the kitchen from the backyard. Therefore, opting for a chicken coop that has a hand-washing area built in – you don’t even need running water, bottled water and/or hand sanitizer will probably do – is going to be a good idea too.

The Best Chicken Coops for Kids