What is a Portable Chicken Coop – And Why Would You Want One?

Ensuring that your chickens have a safe, comfortable chicken coop to call home is one of the musts of chicken keeping. As you shop around to choose the right one for your flock, you will come across something called a chicken tractor. It is essentially a portable chicken coop. But why would anyone want a portable chicken coop? Read on to find out!

What is a Chicken Tractor?

Portable Chicken CoopUnfortunately, they aren’t farming machines that chickens can drive. That seems like a pretty awesome idea, though, if someone could invent one…

A portable coop that has wheels, skids, or other carrying aids is referred to as a “chicken tractor.” Since they lack floors, the chickens may access new ground anywhere the chicken tractor is relocated to. They are becoming more and more popular among urban chicken fans. Chicken tractors are for those who might not have access to a big yard. They are for the hens to roam but still want to give their chickens a free-range lifestyle as far as possible.

The Benefits of a Portable Chicken Coop

While not necessarily ‘better’ than a stationary chicken coop, there are definitely advantages to be had if you opt for a portable chicken coop in the form of a chicken tractor:

  • The portable coop can be kept in a more compact space. Great for those with smaller yards.
  • A portable coop still has nesting boxes, perches, and other characteristics that are typical of a stationary coop.
  • Because there is no floor, the chickens fertilize the yard. You may relocate the coop to fertilize other areas, which can really help your garden grow!
  • The chickens get access to new grass and insects by shifting the coop. This will help to keep them engaged and happy, two things that you definitely want them to be, especially if you are hoping they will lay lots of eggs.
  • The grass beneath the coop has time to recuperate and regenerate when you relocate it to a new spot in the yard. ThisĀ  prevents any bare patches from developing. The chicken tractor should be moved every two to three days to avoid bare areas.
  • While still protected inside the cage, the hens can readily enjoy the sunlight as you can move the coop to where they can soak up the sun.
  • Sometimes hens will construct their own nest out of items found on the ground (although having the nesting box is still advisable). This will, once again, often help them stay engaged and happy.
  • You simply relocate the chicken tractor to a different area of grass. Then you don’t need to regularly change the bedding for the chickens in the enclosed portion of the coop.
  • Chicken tractors can also quickly transform into stationary coops if you stop moving them!

While investing in a portable coop isn’t a must. Some standard chicken coops might be considered portable if you are strong enough to lift them. But as they do offer you, your chickens and your backyard all the extra benefits we’ve just detailed above. As you set up your new flock they are something that’s well worth considering!

Portable Chicken Coop